About Sharmila

Sharmila Ray is a poet and non-fiction essayist, writing in English and anthologized and featured in India and abroad. Her poems, and non fictional essays have appeared in various national and international magazines and journals.
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She is an Associate Professor of the Department of History at City College, Kolkata. She has authored eleven books of poetry. She has edited a bilingual anthology of American and Indian writers-Bridging Continents with Gopal Lahiri. She was on the English Board of Sahitya Akademi (National Body of Letters, Govt. of India), Conducted poetry workshops organized by British Council, Poetry Society of India, Sahitya Akademi. She has been reading her poems in India and abroad. Her poems have been translated into Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Slovene, Hebrew and Spanish and Uzbeck.
She has received many awards for poetry. She has been reading her poems in various National and International Poetry Festivals.

Under the shade of a lamp the black gold pen looks at its nib
aware that it has locked centuries of magic alphabets
whose DNA lingers inside dried ink.
Seen retrospectively all cities, towns, events, accidents, names, numbers,
movements, gestures, stories, myths, are all words grafted
on relentless time.
The nib dreams, extending and linking to other infinite nibs.
Flirting with Euripides in Athens or Camus in absinthe scented Tipasa, remaining
alone with Calvino in impossible landscapes and meditating with Tagore,
it is conscious of the powers of gods and demons in whose shadow
cities bloom and men make history.
Without saying a word it forms words, mysteriously outliving
the mortal body.
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