Haoajan, a multilingual online magazine, serves as a global platform for literature, art, cinema, music, and related cultural activities worldwide. The Bengali word ‘Haoajan’ translates to ‘airborne’ in English, symbolizing the power and potential of words. Like airborne particles, words possess the ability to take flight, to sink profoundly into our minds, and ultimately, to craft something extraordinarily unique and beautiful.
While we are cognizant of the intricate jargons and terminologies of the literary world – such as postmodernism, intertextuality, and cross-cultural diversity – we choose to remain true to our conviction. Rather than getting entangled in this web of complex terms, we have outlined our vision and mission in two simple, yet compelling, mantras.
Imagination Unbound
Firstly, we encourage our readers to keep their imagination unbound. We believe that the power of imagination is limitless, and by exploring it without boundaries, we can unlock a world of uncharted creativity.
You Are Your Storyteller. Enchant Yourself.
Secondly, we desire for our readers to become their own storytellers, to weave their enchanting tales. We urge you to explore the depths of your imagination, to create narratives that echo your unique voice, and ultimately, to captivate yourself with your own stories.
In essence, Haoajan celebrates the power of words and the boundless human imagination. We strive to be more than just a magazine – we serve as a platform, a community, and a catalyst for cultural and artistic exploration across the globe.
HAOAJAN Team, 26th May, 2024.
The Walking Stick [A concrete Poem]
The Old woman Under the Banyan Tree
The Woodpecker and the Chair
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan…
Ruby Gupta
Good Man
From the Diary of an Old Man with Dementia
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