About Emily

Emily Vogel’s poetry, essays, reviews, and translations have been published in numerous journals and magazines, most recently in The North American Review. She is the author of five chapbooks, and four full-length collections. She is the author as well of a forthcoming collection, entitled ‘The House That Wailed, Prior to Priya’.

Dandelions expire
and their hoary seeds
are gentle
as they urge the Spirit
into spheres of truisms
and because they are so delicate and soft
they do not inflict any pain at all
except that I must pull them
from the dirt of their mothering roots
so that the garden might thrive,
the blood and sacrifice of these wild weeds
dying like the privacy of tears
in any woman’s kitchen,
so that something can grow and survive,
effloresce for the sake of a lover’s food
proffered only for the divinity of the good
on the grassy terrain
where I balanced my gaze, blind as a wrapping of sunlight
around the absent spaces of the body
presuming myself
half-unhinged, one-fourth sword wielding warrior,
one-fourth presumed misunderstood.
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