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Submit Work

What we are looking for

We welcome submissions in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, memoirs, review articles and translation in all genres.

Please note that we primarily accept previously unpublished writings only. The only exception being the articles which our editorial team decides to republish depending on its quality and importance.

Please send only one submission at a time. This is applicable across all genres, including translations. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please withdraw your submission immediately if accepted elsewhere. We attempt to respond to submissions within four weeks, but it can take longer.

We welcome and encourage submissions from writers all across the globe. Haoajan believes in inclusivity and respects diverse voices coming from different nationality, race, religion, and gender. We particularly encourage people from the margin to speak out and express themselves.

General Submission Guidelines

  • File Format: MS Word files only, please (.doc or .docx).
  • Font and Spacing: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced.
  • Images: Please submit a photo of yours and an image (feature image) to accompany your work.
  • Submission Method: Please use our submission form provided below.
  • Submission by post will be rejected.
  • Response Time: Our editing team will review your submission within 30 days. If you don’t hear from us by then, it is a wake-up call for you to send us your next masterpiece, as we would have trashed the previous one by then.

It will be immensely helpful to us if, in addition to the general guidelines, you follow these specific guidelines which applies to your work.

Fiction submission guidelines

  • Types of Work: We are currently reading short stories, novel excerpts, flash and micro fiction.
  • Word Limit: Keep it under 3000 words for Short Story. For Flash Fiction keep it within 1000 words.
  • Format: Double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. Neatness counts!

Poetry submission guidelines

  • Number of Poems: Up to 3 poems per submission.
  • Word Limit: Non specific but remember long verses will be difficult to accommodate in single page view.
  • Format: Start each poem on a new page within the same document. Give them their own space to shine.

Creative Non-Fiction

  • Types of Work: Personal essays, memoirs, travelogues, reviews and other creative non-fiction delights.
  • Word Limit: Max 5,000 words. Any longer, and we might need a nap.
  • Format: Double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Additional Information

  • Previously Published Work: We do not accept previously published works. We are seeking fresh, original content that hasn’t graced the pages of other publications.
  • Simultaneous Submissions: Sure, send your work to multiple places. Just let us know if someone else accepts it first.
  • Rights: By submitting, you confirm that you own the rights to your work and are granting us the privilege to publish it in our webzine.

We are looking for new voices and seasoned ones alike. Whether you’re a fresh face or a grizzled veteran, we want to hear from you.

Submit your Work







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